It’s been a busy summer, and I've not made the time to post. But
here's a quick hello to say that we celebrated our year anniversary in Rome on September 10. We're doing well and looking forward to the year to come. I spent August studying Italian in Perugia (a town just north of us).
Now I’m back studying at our little school in Rome (4 hours a day, 5 days a
week). The sky in Rome is always beautiful for me, but never more so than in
September. Here are a few of the stops on my walk home from school each day.
Hope all it well with you!
Palm on Via Nazionale, top of Vittorio Emanuele II Monument in background |
Back of Pantheon, Bernini's lovely elephant with obelisk in foreground |
Pantheon behind fountain in Piazza della Rotunda |
Main fountain (Bernini again) in Piazza Nazona |
Roman sky in September |
Buon anniversario! Envious of all your experiences. Glad you are having a great time. Ciao!