Easter Sunday was a quiet day. We had intended to walk into
town for the parade marking the Rising but Brad was sick with a fever, and we just stayed in the barracks. It was a chance to catch up on
photos and blogging and email and for Brad to recover. In the evening, I went to Easter Mass at St Mary’s
Star of the Sea church in Sandymount, retracing our steps from the day before.

was a special 6 pm Mass for parishioners who had attended the parade during the
day. As I mentioned, my parents were living in Sandymount when I was born, so
this was the church where I was baptized. My cousin John suggested I shout out when I arrived, "I'm back!" (I did not do that.)
I think I also tracked down the house
where we lived then, 2 Sandymount Road (did I mention it was windy and cold?).
On the walk home I encountered threatening thunderheads over the Liffey, a patriotic household, and a nice statue of Mary in a hallway.
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