Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Quick Year-Anniversary Hello

It’s been a busy summer, and I've not made the time to post.  But here's a quick hello to say that we celebrated our year anniversary in Rome on September 10. We're doing well and looking forward to the year to come. I spent August studying Italian in Perugia (a town just north of us). Now I’m back studying at our little school in Rome (4 hours a day, 5 days a week). The sky in Rome is always beautiful for me, but never more so than in September. Here are a few of the stops on my walk home from school each day. Hope all it well with you!

Palm on Via Nazionale, top of Vittorio Emanuele II Monument in background

Back of Pantheon, Bernini's lovely elephant with obelisk in foreground

Pantheon behind fountain in Piazza della Rotunda

Main fountain (Bernini again) in Piazza Nazona

Roman sky in September